Current EOPS / CARE / NextUp Students

EOPS Counseling Requirements


All EOPS students are required to meet with their EOPS counselor three times during each semester (fall/spring). Students are also required to meet with EOPS counselor one time during each the Summer Session, if registered. This counseling requirement must be met by all EOPS students regardless of the number of units they carry. Counselors may require additional visits, if needed.

Program Standing

All EOPS students are required to follow their EOPS Mutual Responsibility Contract to ensure continued program eligibility. At the end of each semester, EOPS conducts continued program eligibility verification using the following criteria to determine EOPS Student's Program Standing. Students who don not complete these items will be dropped from the program.

  1. EOPS Academic Standing
  2. Completed Counseling Contacts
  3. Completed Units