Four named Easton/NFCA All-American Scholar-Athlete

Porterville College student-athletes excel not only on the field and court but also
in the classroom. On Tuesday, four members of the 2024 PC softball team were recognized
with national academic honors.
Kate Lowry, Laney Mayer, Taylor Norman, and Monea Posadas were named Easton/National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) All-American Scholar-Athletes.
Over 8,000 student-athletes across the country at the NCAA, NAIA, and two-year community
college level were recognized with the honor as well as the top programs earning scholar
team awards. The rankings and honors recognize the academic prowess of softball teams
across the Association's membership categories.
Established in 1983, the NFCA is the professional growth organization for fastpitch
softball coaches from all competitive levels of play. Although collegiate coaches
comprised the majority of the organization's membership in the early days, today they
are joined by high school, travel ball, professional and international coaches, along
with umpires, clubs, companies and fans of fastpitch softball. Growing from 40 members
in 1983 to over 7,000 today, the NFCA boasts members from all 50 states and several
international countries.