Campus AmberBox Test A Success

On Friday, August 2nd, as part of our ongoing efforts to keep our campus as safe as possible, we conducted a successful training session/test of the campus’ recently installed AmberBox gunshot Detection System.
AmberBox is a detection and response system designed to protect lives in an indoor active shooter incident. By automating the emergency process, first responders arrive on the scene faster, with the vital information needed to contain threats and mitigate casualties. AmberBox provides immediate and accurate responses from internal and law enforcement teams.
With the cooperation of local law enforcement, the Campus Safety Office and the Porterville Police Department conducted "live fire" tests throughout campus. We were immediately able to detect the location and caliber of weapons fired anywhere on campus. Emergency dispatch was also immediately notified of the details of each simulated incident, meaning that in the unlikely event of this type of emergency, first responders can be dispatched as quickly as possible and arrive faster, ensuring maximum protection from an active shooter threat.
The addition of the AmberBox System to our campus, along with other safety measures already in place, will keep our students, faculty, and Staff as safe as possible in the unlikely event of an attack on campus.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during our testing. You may contact campus safety with any questions at 559-791-2440.