PC's Carley Receives Jack Hernandez Phronesis Award

Congratulations to Michael Carley, PC's Director of Institutional Research, for receiving the 2023 Jack Hernandez Phronesis Award, recognizing excellence and wisdom in Higher Ed. He was joined in a ceremony on September 6, 2023 by California Community College Chancellor Dr. Sonya Christian, who was also honored by the organization with the Legacy Award for 2023.
Phronesis is the Greek word for “practical wisdom”: the practical application of one’s intellectual virtues. This distinguished award is given each year to honor Kern Community College District Employees who have done an exemplary job of applying their scholarly training and skills beyond the classroom, beyond their college campus, in their community, for the betterment of society.
Nominees for the Jack Hernandez Phronesis Award must have worked full-time for the Kern Community College District for a minimum of 10 years, and they must have steadfastly shared their scholastic talents with their community at large.
Mr. Carley is an exemplary example of what this award represents and we are proud to have him as part of the Porterville College Campus Community!