Lending Library

Ever wished there was a way to get free textbooks and technology for your courses?
The Lending Library currently has hundreds of available textbooks* for a wide range of courses and programs, including: Accounting, Administrative Justice, Agriculture, American Sign Language, Anthropology, Art, Business, Child Development, Communication, Health, History, Music, PSYCH Tech/EMT, Industry Certifications, Nursing, Political Science, and Psychology! Additionally, laptops, calculators, and iClickers are also available for students. You can browse our selection of available titles and technology by clicking the "Lending Library Items List" button below.
Lending Library Request Form (Espanol)
Wondering if you're eligible for this amazing resource?
You are, as long as you:
- Are a currently enrolled student for the term you are making a request for
- Do not have any outstanding balances on your account
- Do not have any overdue Lending Library materials (i.e. books, laptops, power cords and etc.)
- Have not previously returned Lending Libary materials damaged or broken
Supplies are limited, and student requests are filled in order of receipt, so don't wait! If you meet the above requirements, fill out the PC Lending Library Agreement (see above links) to begin taking advantage of this great (and did we mention free?) resource!**
Important - Dates to Remember:
- Students can begin requesting Lending Library materials for the Spring semester on January 1st.
- All items checked out from the Lending Library for the Fall 2024 semester are due no later than December 13th by noon.
*As this is a relatively new program, we are hoping to continue to expand with the addition of more textbooks. So, please, feel free to contact the PC Library if you have any book suggestions.
**If you need assistance with the process, the PC Library staff is more than happy to help; you can reach us at (559) 791-2318.
Item Returns and Renewals
Please note the following policies and procedures:
- For the Fall 2024 semester, Friday, December 13th, is the last day to return all Lending Library items including technology.
- You can return your items to the library during regular business hours. Additionally, you can return books and calculators (not laptops, hotspots, or science material) to the silver drop box, located in front of the bookstore, anytime before the due date.
- If you would like to renew your books, please contact us at pclibrary@portervillecollege.edu or by calling 559-791-2318.