About PC

About Porterville College
Porterville College is located at 100 East College Avenue, Porterville, California, at the base of the scenic High Sierra Mountain Range in southeastern Tulare County.
The population of the Porterville urban area is approximately 54,000 persons and that of the surrounding service area is 90,000 persons. Porterville is the gateway to a vast mountain wonderland and recreational area. It is within three hours commuting time to the seashores of the Pacific or to the metropolitan Los Angeles area.
Porterville College is the northernmost college in the Kern Community College District, which serves an area of some 24,000 square miles in all or portions of Kern, Tulare, Inyo, and San Bernardino Counties. Other colleges in the district are Bakersfield College in Bakersfield and Cerro Coso Community College in Ridgecrest.
Porterville College was established in September 1927 as a part of the Porterville Union High School and College District and has been a unit of the Kern Community College District since July 1, 1967.
Porterville College is located at 100 East College Avenue, Porterville, California, at the base of the scenic High Sierra Mountain Range in southeastern Tulare County. The population of the Porterville urban area is approximately 54,000 persons and that of the surrounding service area is 90,000 persons. Porterville is the gateway to a vast mountain wonderland and recreational area. It is within three hours commuting time to the seashores of the Pacific or to the metropolitan Los Angeles area.
Porterville College is the northernmost college in the Kern Community College District, which serves an area of some 24,000 square miles in all or portions of Kern, Tulare, Inyo, and San Bernardino Counties. Other colleges in the district are Bakersfield College in Bakersfield and Cerro Coso Community College in Ridgecrest.
Address100 East College Avenue
Porterville, California 93257 Telephone
The campus is located on approximately 85 acres and includes facilities for business, liberal arts, applied sciences, science, mathematics, communications, theater, library and learning resource center, trade and industry, child development center, fine arts, health, stadium and track, gymnasium, fitness center, tennis courts, baseball and softball diamonds, horticulture complex, and ample parking.
Board of Trustees
Mr. John S. Corkins, President
Mrs. Nan Gomez-Heitzeberg, Vice President
Mr. Yovani Jimenez, Clerk
Mr. Romeo Agbalog
Mrs. Kay S. Meek
Mr. Kyle Carter
Mrs. Christina Scrivner
Mrs. Johanna Guzman, Student Trustee
March 6, 2024