Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative

About IEPI

The goal of the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI)

The goal of this initiative is to help advance colleges’ institutional effectiveness and in the process, significantly reduce the number of accreditation sanctions and audit issues, and most importantly, enhance the system’s ability to effectively serve students. An important focus of the grant is to draw on the exceptional expertise and innovation from within the system in advancing best practices and avoiding potential pitfalls.

Major components of the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative

There are three major components of the initiative:

  1. Develop a framework of indicators and college/district goals.
    • The framework will include student performance and outcomes, accreditation status, fiscal viability, and programmatic compliance with State and Federal guidelines.
    • The framework draws heavily on existing indicators and publicly available data.
    • The framework and goals System, at least v1.0, is statutorily required to be implemented by June 30, 2015 and updated annually.
  2. Make Technical Assistance Teams (called Partnership Resource Teams) available to colleges who express interest in receiving assistance.
    • A short letter of interest will be submitted by the college CEO.
    • The teams will visit colleges at least three times, for initial clarification of issues, development of strategies and timelines, and follow up. Additional follow up visits will be available as needed.
    • Team members will be drawn from a pool of experts who were nominated or appointed by statewide professional organizations and others. Team composition for each college will be approved by college CEO and CCCCO.
    • Team members will receive travel reimbursement, and stipends if they are able to receive them based on their district policy and/or agreements.
    • Grants of up to $150,000 in seed money will be available to colleges with team visits to accelerate implementation of improvement plans. Grants will be available while funds are available.
    • Selection of colleges will consider institutional need.
  3. Enhance professional development opportunities for colleges related to institutional effectiveness.
    • An online clearinghouse will be developed and include effective practices and pitfalls to avoid related to emerging accreditation and audit issues, as well as other topics related to institutional effectiveness:
      • The online clearinghouse will be closely integrated with the Success Center for California Community Colleges’ efforts.
      • Existing resources addressing the topics, such as those found on the ASCCC, ACCJC, RP Group, and CCCCO websites, will be linked to this clearinghouse.
      • Additional online resources will be developed as needed.
    • Regional workshops offered in the north and south will supplement the online clearinghouse. These workshops will be captured and made available online through the clearinghouse as well.
      • Workshops will begin in Spring 2015.
      • The IEPI Advisory Committee will help identify topics that are timely and of broad interest.
      • The Initiative will seek to partner with other organizations in offering these workshops.
    • Professional development opportunities will be available to all districts regardless of participation with Partnership Resource Teams (PRTs).


IEPPI Targets

At this time, the college is required to post short-term (one-year) targets on the following four items. In future years, additional targets will be required in short-term and long-term formats.

Porterville College IEPI Targets

June 8, 2017