Facility Needs

PC Campus

Local Community College Repair & Upgrade Needs


Kern Community College District is one of 72 community college districts in California. Kern Community College District (KCCD) serves 40,000 students and military veterans each year at Bakersfield College, Cerro Coso Community College, and Porterville College.

Porterville College has provided high quality, affordable higher education and job training for local students and families in parts of Kern, Tulare, Inyo, Mono, and San Bernardino counties since 1913.

The 2018 Facilities Master Plan Update provides a comprehensive framework for physical modifications to the campus.In alignment with the Educational Master Plan, the Facilities Master Plan provides a guide for long-term land and building use. Additionally, the plan serves as a guide for near-term decisions on program planning and implementation, resource allocation, setting priorities, and other administrative matters that influence a student’s educational experience at Porterville College.


Your Bond Dollars at Work


2016 Measure J

In November 2016, voters approved Kern Community College District’s Bond Measure J, a local education bond measure, with 62.25 percent voter approval from Tulare, Kern and San Bernadino Counties. Many of the classroom and student service facilities at Porterville College have not been updated in over 30 years. Academic facilities need safety upgrades, repairs, and other improvements to meet modern job-training, technological and safety standards to keep the college in good condition for years to come.

“Because we worked together as a community, we were able to pass this bond,” Carlson said. “Everything we do is for students in our community and our future students. We’re very excited because now we can start upgrading some things, and it will give us room to grow.”

Measure J follows the guidelines of Proposition 39, which requires approval by 55 percent of the voters within the college district. It also includes accountability measures including a citizens’ oversight committee and annual audits. The measure will generate $44 million dollars to repair and upgrade the College’s facilities. These funds cannot be taken away by the state and will help qualify the college for state matching funds to construct a new allied health building.

Capital & Schedule Maintenance Projects

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