Exams for Future Teachers

2024 Update Basic Skills Requirement
Summary Senate Bill 153 (Chap. 38, Stats 2024), effective June 29, 2024, makes two changes to the California Basic Skills Requirement (BSR). Specifically, the bill adds a provision that allows possession of a bachelor’s (or higher) degree earned at a regionally accredited college or university to meet the Basic Skills Requirement (BSR). The bill also removes the BSR as a requirement for earning any credential or permit where the applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree.
Basic Skills Requirement Update
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing is now offering two new options for future teachers to meet the basic skills requirement which include coursework and a combination of coursework and test scores. This means students who meet the new requirements do not have to take the CBEST exam.
Learn more about AB 130 for Basic Skills Requirement:
- Basic Skills Requirement Webinar - YouTube
- CSET Waiver CTC Webinar - YouTube
- AB 130 Frequently Asked Questions
Email educationcareers@portervillecollege.edu for additional information.
See the links below, as well as these special instructions for the CSU Monterey Bay link:
- The URL for CSU Monterey Bay (bottom link) will direct you to a web page welcoming you to the CBEST online course and practice tests.
- Click on the "Register NEW Account" button. You will need to register using the following information:
- School Number: 39921
- School Key: cbestMB