Programmatic accreditation

Porterville College has instructional programs that undergo external evaluation and are accredited by industry-specific agencies. Each program is noted below, along with the associated accrediting agency and contact information.


Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Program


The emergency medical technician program is approved locally through the Central California


Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Agency.

P.O. Box 11867

Fresno, CA 93775

Phone: (559) 600-3387


National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians

6610 Busch Blvd.

Columbus, OH 43229

Phone: (614) 888-4484


Fire Technology

The fire academy program is an approved Accredited Regional Training Programs (ARTP) through the following entity:


California Office of the State Fire Marshal (Cal Fire).

P.O. Box 944246

Sacramento, CA 94244

Phone: (916) 445-8200


Psychiatric Technician

The psychiatric technician program is accredited by the State of California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (BVNPT), a division of the California Department of Consumer Affairs.


Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (BVNPT)

2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 205

Sacramento, CA 958833

Phone: (916) 263-7800


Registered Nursing

The registered nursing program is accredited by the State of California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN), a division of the California Department of Consumer Affairs.


Board of Registered Nursing (BRN)

P.O. Box 944210

Sacramento, CA 94244

Phone: (916) 322-3350