Active Shooter
Remain calm and answer the dispatcher's questions. The dispatcher is trained to obtain the necessary and required information for an appropriate emergency response.
If safe to do so, stop and take time to get a good description of the shooter. Note height, weight, sex, race, approximate age, clothing, method and direction of travel, and his/her name, if known.
If the suspect is entering a vehicle, note the license plate number, make and model, color, and outstanding characteristics. All of this takes only a few seconds and is of the utmost help to the responding officers.
NOTE: An individual must use his/her own discretion during an active shooter event as to whether he/she chooses to run to safety or remain in place. However, best practices for an active shooter event are listed below.
If Outside When A Shooting Occurs
Drop to the ground immediately, face down as flat as possible. If within 15-20 feet of a safe place or cover, duck and run to it. Move or crawl away from gunfire, trying to utilize any obstructions between you and the gunfire.
When you reach a place of relative safety, stay down and do not move.
Wait and listen for directions from College Safety and/or public agency personnel.
If Shooter Is Outside Your Classroom/Office
Stay inside the classroom/office.
If possible, close and lock the outside door to the room.
Close the blinds, turn off the lights, remain quiet and move behind available cover. Stay on the floor, away from doors or windows, and do not peek out to see what may be happening.
If possible and safe to do so, report the location of the assailant.
If Suspect Is In Close Proximity
Lie motionless and pretend to be unconscious.
Do not attempt to apprehend or interfere with the shooter except for self-protection.
An individual must use his/her own discretion about when he or she must engage a shooter for survival.
Reporting A Threat
As an institution of higher learning, it is important for Porterville College to view these types of incidents with the appropriate perspective. At least 102 people have been killed in 13 mass shootings at U.S. colleges since the 60’s. Hundreds more have been injured or killed by other gun incidents on college campuses.
We as a community must be vigilant and prepared. It is important to note a few facts about these types of shootings.
The Secret Service has studied the 30 major shooting incidents that have taken place at schools (elementary through college) since 1974. They found remarkable similarity in them.
- First, almost all of the individuals who have committed these crimes have been male and were known for being isolated socially.
- Almost all of them planned out their actions in advance, and over three quarters of them actually shared their plans with others before putting them into effect.
Unfortunately, in only two cases did anyone report the plan to authorities before the attack. With these facts in mind, it is critically important that members of our community report threats and potential threats in a timely manner.
If you believe an individual poses an imminent threat to a member or members of the college community, please contact the Department of Campus Safety immediately. If you are located at an off-campus site, and believe imminent danger is likely, please contact 911 immediately and then contact the Department of Campus Safety.
If you do not believe that harm is imminent, but an individual's behavior seems threatening or seems like it could lead to harm to the individual or to the community, you should report the concern.
If you are a student or a faculty member, contact the Department of Campus Safety or your Dean's office.
If you are a staff member or other member of the community, contact Campus Safety or the local police. It is better to err on the side of notifying the appropriate individuals than to remain silent; the institution has resources with which to assess these situations and the individual of concern. If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Campus Safety at 559-791-2440
Additional Info
As the number of school shootings have increased in the last couple of years, it has become more apparent that students, faculty and staff need to be prepared to respond to a threat. Porterville College takes the safety of everyone on our campuses seriously.
While College Safety is present on our campus, it is important for each member of our community to know what to do in the event of an active shooter.
Training sessions are regularly offered. Dates & times are posted in the Safety Trainings section when they become available.
- Porterville Police Department
- Porterville Police Department Phone Number: 559-782-7400
- FBI Active Shooter Resources
- FEMA Active Shooter
- Sandy Hook Promise Campaign
- Don't Name Them Campaign